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Sister Ling, You're Totally RAD





事情,图⽚,影像 1)单幕影像 920x1080,16:9,彩⾊ (3’45),⽴体声

NAME: Sister Ling, You're Totally RAD

DATE: 2018-2028

#Event #47m2 of a field in Guangzhou #Video (3'53'', 1920x1080,16:9,color,stereo)




About《Sister Ling, You're Totally RAD

玲姐是⼴州乡下农妇,她不施农药进⾏传统种植,虽然别⼈产量是她的 3-5 倍。我觉得她很棒,于是我 租了⼀ 块她家的⽔⽥,付给她该地的最⾼收成价格。让她在不考虑产量和销售的情况下让进⾏⾃由劳作, 前提是不种粮 ⻝和任何绿⾊植物。收成后不⽤于销售买卖,只能⾃⽤或赠予他⼈。 PS:我⼀共租赁了⼗年,因为玲姐今年 50 岁,对这事有很多期待,同⼀块⼟地希望她不再种粮⻝,可 以种点其 他的,农⺠不是天然种粮⻝,如果她出⽣在城市,也许她在种房⼦。⼜⽐如种喜欢,玲姐说很 喜欢玫瑰,也挺好 的,她其实不是在种玫瑰,是在种喜欢,种感受,种很理想还不现实的东⻄。 收成后我不允许她再次买卖,因为 我已经付过钱了,也避免滋养贪婪因素,所以她只能⾃⽤或者赠予, ⽽其他村⺠接受到这份礼物时会聊起、感受 甚⾄嫉妒,嫉妒其实是个好东⻄,嫉妒让⼈思考,思考可以 改变,所以期待思考和改变。

Sister Ling is a Farmer in Guangzhou. She chooses not to apply pesticides in her fields although her output is 3-5 times lower than that of her neighbors. I think she’'s rad! So I rented a plot of land from her for a rate amounting to the equivalent of 1 yearly harvest. Under the clauses of our contract, she can work freely and plant whatever she wants except food or vegetables. Most importantly, her harvest can only be used by herself or be offered to others as a gift: her harvests cannot create any profit.

I have rented this piece of land for ten years, providing Sister Ling with a stable yearly income. Now that she doesn't have the burden to have to plant profitable crops, she can indulge in any of her own fantasies and plant anything one this patch of land including rocks, roses, dreams, love, ideals...

No one in the village but Sister Lin is given the opportunity to grow what they want and get paid for it. Her special condition aims at making others feel jealous. For me, jealousy is always a starting point for change.

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